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[CULTURE] Une expo BD sur l’égalité au CDI

Publication : (actualisé le ) par Mercedes MARCET-VINOLAS

Les 1ères EURO (1G1 & 1G2) ont réalisé des bd in english s’il vous plaît sur le thème de l’égalité fille-garçon. Des travaux que vous pouvez découvrir au CDI (espace info) et qui respectent toutes les mêmes consignes (5 à 10 vignettes max) ainsi que les codes de la bande dessinée ou des comics. Les scenarii doivent valoriser une histoire liée aux discriminations toujours aussi présentes dans nos quotidiens.

Celles et ceux qui ne maîtrisaient pas l’art de la plume et des aplats, se sont aidés d’une application que nous nous vous recommandons fortement :

En somme le résultat est bluffant, plein de fantaisie et d’humour anglais (for sure !).

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Nos élèves sont peut-être d’ailleurs les mieux placés pour en parler (toujours en anglais) :

Feedback on the Gender equality comic strip project from 1G1 and 1G2-EURO pupils :
« This project was awesome. It made me draw things that I haven’t done for a long time and it was for an important cause. Besides, it changes from the everyday work and makes us use our imagination. Thank you Miss. Marcet ! » By A. + E.

« It’s been a while since I haven’t drawn anything so it kind of reminded me of my childhood. It was very different from other homework so overall I really enjoyed doing it. » By Daniel.

« I enjoyed a lot doing this project, it was really fun imagining the characters and thinking about the storyboard. » By S.

« I enjoyed drawing this comic strip, essentially creating characters. » By A.

« It was nice because I got to highlight an important story of an important woman ». By A.

« I did it with a friend and a random guy on Minecraft. It was fun and not too long  ». By Gabriel.

« I enjoyed it. It isn’t a traditional homework ; this one needs a lot of imagination. Besides, I love the subject : Gender Equality. We wish more projects like this !  ». By Manon.

« I really enjoyed this project. It was funny and original. I really like activities that develop our imagination. We should do more projects like this one  ». By W.

« This project was quite interesting and different from what we usually do. I also learnt how to use new software and I enjoyed doing this homework.We should do work like this more often because we learn and have fun at the same time ». By Tracy.

« I really liked this work because it was fun to make and it didn’t feel like a work. The fact that we used our imagination to do it, made it easier. The good part is that I felt like I was doing it for myself and not to get a mark at the end, it was so exciting !  ». By Gémina.

« On a Sunday morning, I craved for doing my homework at 8 a.m. I had to express my emotions through a character with a dress. So I created the cartoon, this Sunday morning at 8 a.m. during the holidays ». By N.

« We have enjoyed very much working on this project. The ideas that the subject brought us to work on were very interesting, gender equality is one of the most contemporary issues and preocupies a great number of millenials ». by Lou-Ann and A.

« I appreciated doing this project because it is not like the others that we do in other classes. It was a nice project that I did with enthusiasm  ». By J.

« I feel like high-school is trying to show to the students that men and women are equal in a lot of different ways and I find this way of learning really cool. The projects that we are making are, for most of them, really fun to do ». By M.

« The project was very interesting to do and to fight against the inequalitites between the genders. We have to denounce our society’s inequalities ! ». By Anonymous.

« This project was fun, we got to write a scenario and then transform it into a comic, it was personal and working with a friend was also great. We shared our ideas and I felt like a little screenwriter ». By G.

« This project was very funny because we could make our story without rules. We could do anything and we felt free ! ». By Camille B. and Anonymous.

« The project was really interesting to fight against gender stereotypes and gender inequality. The topic is really important in today’s society and it helps raising awareness about this topic. Gender equality is a fight which concerns everybody. » by Chloé.

« It was quite unusual and allowed us to work with skills we are not used to express. The gender equality project in itself was interesting to tackle for it enabled us to use our knowledge in a more practical way, which is both innovative and meaningful since the subject is a big societal issue of our contemporary world  ». By Marion.

« It was an interesting work that mixed both work and drawing on the theme of men-women equality ». By A.

« At first I was going to make a good comic, then I got bored. I decided to base it on the very bare bones anti-bullying posters in American schools that basically just say : « Stand to the bully » and also decided that the character being bullied would be a girl ».By Timothée.

« Making this comic strip was a good time to pass because with music and my markers I don’t feel stressed. So I created my own bubble without all the tension of the world  ». By T.

« I’m really greatful to all my pupils for working so much on this important topic. You have all done a great job by using your imagination, knowledge and talent ! » Miss Marcet (teacher)